Thursday, January 15, 2015

Welcome to my World.....

I have been asked several times over the course of the past few years, "Why don't you write a book?" Well, honestly, the thought never actually occurred to me. Who would want to read about my life? I used to blog. I used to blog religiously. I was the mom that took the perfect "candid" photos of my kids and posted them for the world to I could show that my house was clean, my kids were dressed and groomed, and I had made them healthy food to snack on. My world was rocked after almost 8 years of marriage and I found myself a divorced Mormon. Dun, dun, dun......

My perfect world was no more. To be honest, my perfect world was fake....totally fake. If someone looked at my blog they would think I was happy, and perhaps some days I was, but it was my "virtual" world, not my real world.

So, the reason I write this blog is's like a journal (I have always been a terrible journal keeper), and second to let you know that you are NOT alone. What you see on Facebook and other social media, about your friends and those around you may be their "virtual perfection," and nothing more.

We are all human, and we have good days and bad days. I am a working mom. I work 40 hours a week; I am getting my master's right now in Human Resource Management; I have a husband; I have 3 kids and 4 step-kids, and as someone recently said to me, "Your family attracts problems." So, here I am....a humble mother and step-mother, trying to do the best I can. Some days I feel like a super hero, and other days I feel like a super failure. So, my blog is going to be simply reality. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Welcome aboard!

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